Monday, September 8, 2008

Spokefest Highlights

(Click the photo for more pictures)
Just another day on the road with 1000 cyclists.

Sunday was the first annual Spokefest and minus a few expected glitches, things went quite well.

We met downtown for some pancakes, rode the River Loop and ended where we started with some pizza and the token free water bottle. Everyone seemed to have a great time.

Speaking of a great time, Monday Sept. 15th is the Back To School, Full Moon Fiasco. Show your school spirit or love of spirits and come down to The Swamp at 8:00pm.


  1. Great shot of all the bikes going down to and crossing the Monroe Street bridge.

  2. I was just telling Sally about The Fucking Bike Club and she said that, judging by the name:

    "That's either cool or dangerous."

  3. Cool or Dangerous is my middle name.

  4. spokefest was a blast...and the inlander stories - fbc getting more press than the interstate fair :) - have tipped this virgin rider in the direction of finding the swamp next full moon.

  5. Count this guy and his wife in for the next FMF! To The Swamp!

  6. Why is it that my natural reaction to knowing I'm having my picture taken is to smile, stare off into the distance, and pretend like I don't know it's happening? However, I did have that grin on my face for a good portion of the day, it was alot of fun.

  7. Don't let me forget. We need a picture of the faculty and of the student body.
