Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Spring Ride The Funnest

(click card for pictures)
Seems like I begin each wrap-up post with an apology for posting so late. This one is no different. I've been stupid busy lately, and haven't been able to stop drawing stuff to take the time to type. I don't see that changing for a couple of months. Anyway, on to the wrap-up. It will have to be short a sweet this time.

We started an hour early and I'm glad we did. The weather was outstanding and the sunset was just as good. Because of the early time, we were able to drag our asses up Post St. to the Garland Theater and Bon Bon. Dena was nice enough to open up just for us, and show a movie. The movie? Oh yeah, we watched Rad. That's right. The one with Uncle Jessie's girlfriend from way back in 1986. I'm sure you all have been scouring the internet looking for a copy of the movie, only to find that it is not available on DVD. Though, with the right resources, you can find a friend that can get their hands on the finest quality bootleg copy on DVD. Bonus points and a huge thank you go to N&G for letting me borrow it for the night. It is safely in my possession, and I will get that back to you real soon.

The only issues that we had on the ride was an incident at the fountain. When we rolled through, we made our circles around it. There were four or five drunk college kids causing some douchbaggery. In their efforts to be cute, they knock over a rider, busting her saddle. She was a trooper and rode it as far as she could, and the Good Doctor put a quick fix on it that Speare would consider a permanent solution. Love ya, John.

Great times. I'm looking forward to the rides this summer. Speaking of which, next month is the Prom Ride. Start looking now for your finery for the ride. I'll post some more details as I invent them.

100+ riders; Low 35ยบ and clear.


  1. Hopefully, I'll be the first of many to smuggly let you know that the link from the spoke card is busted. And I hope there's a good pic of the fixed saddle and I further hope you shamed the DB kids appropriately. Lovin right back at ya.

  2. You are, John. Thank you. And thank you to you, Anonymous. I think I have it fixed now.
    Did not get a pic of the saddle fix, but the DB's were thoroughly shamed.
