Monday, August 13, 2012

I Don't Feel Tardy

(click card for pictures)
Another successful Full Moon Fiasco. I went the wrong way, but a right and a right and a right and a right put us right back on track to get to Litz's Bar and Grill right on time.

These cats always welcome us with open arms, and I seriously can't give them enough props for letting me call really late in the week to secure them as our destination. Cheers, Litz's.

The only issues with the ride were: 1.) I forgot my camera, so all the photos are with my old phone without a flash. So there weren't that many, and they are probably all incredibly shitty. And C.) Some bikes got stolen.

Here is the link to their craigslist plea to have them returned for a reward. I always hate to hear that a bike was stolen, but it really sucks to hear that it happened at an FBC Spokane event. I am genuinely upset about this, and hope that your bikes are returned to you.

Again, it was another great turnout for summer. I love to meet all the first timers. I receive tens of emails with questions about how to join and how far we go and the like. I am currently working on an FAQ section for the blogspot, and will post it soon. If you have any questions you would like answered, feel free to email them to me and they just might make the FAQ section.

Thanks everyone for coming out on another beautiful summer evening, and dressing for the theme. You guys are the best.

The next ride is a BLUE MOON. Wear all blue. I'll try to remind you again.

150+ riders; 60ยบ and Clear

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