Thursday, March 15, 2012

Friends Are The Greatest

(click card for pictures)
I can't stress enough that the FBC would be a sad, sad failure without all you guys pitching in. From the printing of the cards to the planning and preparation at all the venues, the Full Moon Fiasco would not be possible without every one of you having my back. Even those of you that help wrangle all the new riders back in to one or two lanes make it a fun ride every month. Thanks. Really, thanks.

As most of you know the Good Doctor and I are expecting our first kid, and my head has been elsewhere. I have been posting later and later, forgetting to take pictures, forgetting to draw a damn spoke card. I almost forgot to get a venue planned for this months destination. It's a good thing that Litz's is a long time friend of the FBC. They accept us with open arms every time. Not just by letting us come take the place over, but by providing some free swag when we get there. We should plan to go back when the volleyball is in full swing.

Not to be left out, the crew at The Swamp is fantastic. They are always excited to see us coming every month. Everyone knows we will never all fit inside, but they just wait patiently outside for the ride to start. The only drawbacks are that Joe does not get to sell them delicious beverages and if they are new riders they have no idea about the spoke cards. You gotta get your laminated commemorative keepsake, right?

Next month is still up in the planning stage (naturally), so keep up with us here or on the facebooks.

100+ riders; clear and 25º.


  1. We have a venue for this Friday yet? Figured I'd throw you an earlier note this time. ;)

    -Datsun Matt

    1. Datsun Matt, shoot me an email (located in 'contact' section) so we can rap about it there. I'm always up for some good ideas. Thanks.
