Sunday, January 15, 2012

First Fiasco 2012

(click card for pictures)
It's official. 2012 is underway with the first Full Moon Fiasco of the year behind us. I initially had a very short route planned out, but with the un-January like weather, I thought it would be nice to throw some lefts and rights in there to lengthen our time in the saddle. It worked out pretty good. We rode a circuitous path through town to end up on East Sprague at Jones Radiator.

It was almost a year since our last visit to Jones, and I would like to go more often but there are so many of us and so little of Jones. It's tough to pack us all in there. This ride was a perfect amount of people for them to serve. Tom set us up with a DJ and enough servers to keep us from getting thirsty. They have big plans for the coming year, so we may have to make a non-full moon, summer time ride to check that out.

Thanks for coming out everyone.

50+ riders; 30º and sprinkles

1 comment:

  1. Jones was honored to have you guys again! I also want to thank all the FBC'ers for being a good, well behaved crowd! Hope you come back soon!
